

2024-09-13 BacteriaDefendoEco Silver PaperEco Silver PaperHygieneProductsProtection

With schools re-opening, the prevention of infectious diseases transmitted by viruses and bacteria in schools is a topic of high importance. Children and teenagers, due to close contact with school peers, are often exposed to common colds, flu and other infections, which quickly spread in school environments. It is crucial, therefore, to adopt preventive strategies to protect the health of students, teachers and school staff. Let’s look at some of them together.

Hands Hygiene

One of the simplest and most effective actions to reduce the transmission of viruses and bacteria is frequent and efficient hand washing. This habit should be taught to children from an early age, especially at crucial times such as before eating, after going to the toilet and after blowing one’s nose. Washing hands with soap for at least 20 seconds is considered essential to remove germs from hands. This can be made more fun for children by suggesting that they sing a short song, such as ‘Happy Birthday’, to keep track of time.

However, in addition to washing hands correctly, it is equally important to dry them safely to avoid recontamination. Disposable paper towels are among the most effective methods to reduce the proliferation of pathogens. In this context, Eco Silver Paper® products offer an environmentally friendly and highly hygienic solution. The use of biodegradable and antibacterial disposable paper, such as that offered by Eco Silver Paper®, not only guarantees hand drying, but also eliminates the risk of contact with potentially contaminated surfaces. These products are particularly useful in school environments, where the number of people using the toilets is high, making it essential to have a hand drying system that minimises the risk of transmission of bacteria and viruses. The adoption of solutions such as Eco Silver Paper can therefore be integrated into schools’ preventive measures, helping to maintain high standards of hygiene and health protection for students and staff.

 Surface Hygiene

Surface hygiene is crucial to prevent the diffusion of viruses and bacteria in schools, as these are frequently touched by students and school staff. It is important not only to clean the surfaces with a good disinfectant, but also to ensure that they are not recontaminated immediately afterwards.

In this context, an excellent solution is the use of Eco Silver Paper rolls, which are treated with antibacterial silver particles. Using these rolls to dry or wipe surfaces after applying a disinfectant spray can prevent recontamination. The silver in the paper not only guarantees deep cleaning, but also continues to act after use, preventing the proliferation of bacteria and viruses. This combination makes surface hygiene even more effective, helping to keep the school environment safe and healthy for a long time!

Hygiene Education

Another central aspect of prevention is hygiene education. Teachers must promote good practices, such as not sharing personal objects (pens, pencils, water bottles, etc.) and not touching one’s face, especially the eyes, mouth and nose. The importance of the correct use of handkerchiefs, which should be discarded immediately after use, should also be emphasised to limit the diffusion of infected droplets.

Eco Silver Paper handkerchiefs are the ideal solution for maintaining daily hygiene in school environments. These disposable tissues not only offer a completely hygienic way to blow your nose, but are also enriched with silver particles, known for their antibacterial and antiviral properties.

The silver in handkerchiefs works in a simple but efficient way: it releases particles called silver ions, which attack the microbes on the surface of the handkerchief, destroying them. These particles prevent bacteria and viruses from surviving and multiplying, thus reducing the possibility of their spreading into the indoor environment. Using tissues with active silver, such as those from Eco Silver Paper, therefore helps to limit the spread of disease in schools, making the environment safer and cleaner. Thanks to these characteristics, Eco Silver Paper handkerchiefs are particularly suitable for use by children and teachers, reducing the risk of infection through daily use and promoting good hygiene practices.

The official measures

In this context, the Friuli-Venezia Giulia Region has published a document that provides detailed information on the most common infectious diseases in schools, with practical suggestions for their prevention. In the file, the main transmissible diseases, such as influenza, chickenpox, scarlet fever and other bacterial and viral infections, are listed, together with specific recommendations for managing them in educational institutions. The aim of the document is to provide concrete recommendations to reduce the spread of these diseases through the adoption of appropriate hygiene and isolation practices.

Preventing infectious diseases in schools requires a joint effort by students, teachers, school staff and parents. The adoption of proper hygiene practices, the promotion of a well-ventilated school environment and constant monitoring of student health are further key measures to guarantee the safety and health of the school community. These actions not only reduce the risk of disease transmission, but also promote a culture of prevention and respect for collective health.


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