

2024-05-08 BacteriaEco Silver PaperHygieneProductsProtection

What is Escherichia coli?


Pathogenic bacteria of the Gram Negative group

Escherichia coli is an enterobacterium (i.e. a bacterium that finds its ideal habitat in the intestines of humans and other animals). It is of the GRAM Negative group. It is an asporigenic elongated bacillus and can grow in the presence or absence of oxygen. Its ideal temperature is between 35 and 40°C and it is one of the most versatile bacteria existing in nature.
It is an opportunistic pathogen, i.e. it can multiply to its advantage and colonise entire body regions e.g. the intestinal flora or the urinary tract.

It produces rather aggressive toxins, has a very high degree of invasiveness and insinuates itself deeply into the host to such an extent that it can lead to cases of haemolytic uremic syndrome in which red blood cells are destroyed and renal failure occurs, causing an accumulation of toxic substances in the blood.

The incubation period of Escherichia coli infection is three to four days.

What are the symptoms of E. coli infection?

The main symptoms of Escherichia Coli infection are:

  • Diarrhoeal episodes
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain accompanied by a fever

The people most susceptible to E. coli infection are children and the elderly. However, adults can also fall ill.

What are the causes of E. coli infection?

E. coli infection can come from contaminated water or food:

  • Improperly washed and dried fruit and vegetables
  • Unpasteurised milk
  • Undercooked meat
  • Person-to-person contact, especially when infected persons do not wash and dry their hands properly

How to prevent E. coli infections?

Per evitare infezioni da E. Coli si possono adottare alcune misure igieniche quali:

The Eco Silver Paper® treatment on our Defendo® rolls guarantees the bacterial elimination of Gram Negatives during both production and use.
  • Wash your hands well and dry them with a hygienic device before cooking, after going to the toilet or touching animals
  • Avoid risky foods such as raw meat and unpasteurised milk
  • Wash raw food thoroughly and dry it with a hygienic device (no kitchen rags or recycled, non-decontaminated paper)
  • Wash kitchen utensils thoroughly with soap, rinse and dry with a hygiene device
  • Use separate containers for each food item
  • Avoid swallowing water when swimming in ponds, lakes or rivers

Gram Negative bacteria can be pathogenic, their contamination on surfaces must be counteracted with effective and guaranteed treatments. Eco Silver Paper® is laboratory tested against Gram Negatives ensuring HYGIENE AND PROTECTION.
